Mining Specialist
World Bank
Magdalena Chawuła, Mining Specialist, Global Extractives and Energy Practice, World Bank Magdalena Chawuła is an expert on Just Transition. While a member of the Global Support for Energy Transformation in Coal Regions team, she is based in Warsaw on a daily basis, performing coordination and advisory functions; she represents the World Bank in Poland in matters related to Just Transition and phasing down coal and supports the Bank's Representative for Poland and the Director for the European Union countries on issues related to the transformation of the coal sector, Just Transition, Green Deal and Just Transition Mechanism. Before joining the Bank in May 2020, she had been working in Brussels for 13 years, initially as a Director of the Regional Office of Silesia in Brussels, and then, as a Deputy Secretary General of the European of EURACOAL, representing the sector towards the EU, working on policies related to energy transition.
World Bank engagement on Just Transition in ECA
Presentation will cover World Bank's Coal Sector Transition Assessment Framework (3x3 Matrix) for analyzing a Just Transition away from coal, countries of engagement and scope of undertaken activities in chosen European countries, with more attention given to Poland.