Kopalnia Złota
At the age of 10, I started my work in a gold mine. As a gnome scaring tourists in a newly opened attraction... Today I am a co-owner of the Gold Mine - one of the biggest tourist attractions in Poland, I am responsible for 5 kilometres of undergrounds, Medieval Mining Settlement, Mining Museum, 4 restaurants, 3 hotels and 140 employees. In addition, I work as a writer, journalist, traveller and blogger.
Gold Mine - A passion that has become a business
I would like to present our family history, started by my mother in 1997 when we took over an abandoned gold mine and for 26 years we made it one of the biggest attractions in the country. We are also the largest employer in the region. Our activity has been awarded many times in the national and European arena. We will show how passion can create a place loved by tourists, give jobs, make an unknown town famous and create a unique place on Earth. Our work is not only the opening of ready-made undergrounds to the public. It's digging up collapsed corridors, finding lost adits, pulling 750 years of mining history out of the sea of oblivion. Our underground is unique, but also as a company we stand out in the business world: 90% of our employees are women, and 97% of managerial positions are women. And all this was created out of love for the underground, out of passion and faith that the impossible does not exist.