Managing Partner
Strategia Worldwide
20 years in the British Army before leaving in 2003 after reaching the rank of Colonel. Since then has forged a successful commercial career: former COO at Marsh UK, COO of a leading Lloyds broker, Change Director for Aon’s wholesale/specialty division, Ops Director of Aspen Re, Head of Financial Services at RSM and a Financial Conduct Authority ‘Skilled Person’ for risk and governance. Identified niche for risk mitigation and transfer consultancy in 2008. Successfully applied bespoke methodology with mining ops globally since, including with Barrick Gold, BHP and numerous mid tiers and juniors. Fuses experience of military 'campaign planning' with relevant financial, insurance and commercial risk management experience. Leads the Tailings Protect consortium that brings together geo technical and ESG risk expertise with state of the art - cloud based - 24/7 monitoring and insurers to manage tailings risk more effectively
24/7 Tailings Risks Assessment and Monitoring - a Case Study
Will present a case study of the management of a tailings facility at a platinum mine in South Africa using state of the art monitoring technology that has been described by the Department of Mineral Resources (the industry regulator in South Africa) as "best in class". The project is now in its second year but will describe the approach to the initial gap analysis of the facility against the global tailings standard (GISTM) and the subsequent rollout of enhanced ground based monitoring. Also, the linkage to a 24/7 'always on' cloud based risk dashboard that can be shared with regulators, insurers, communities etc. I will describe the role of the various stakeholders, the company, the risk assessors, the Engineer of Record, the monitoring equipment providers and insurers and how they need to interact. I will describe the connectivity to insurers and the effect on insurance outcomes and, finally, the valuable lessons learned in the process. The presentation will include a live demonstration of the mine's tailings risk dashboard