Union of Geologists of Ukraine

The Union of Geologists of Ukraine (SGU) conducts its activities on the basis of legality and transparency in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", other current legislation of Ukraine and norms of international law relating to the sphere of its activity, the Statute and internal documents of the organization .

The Union of Geologists of Ukraine carries out activities in the following directions:

  • legal and social protection, represents legitimate interests, promotes the protection of civil, social, copyright and related rights of its members;
  • develops proposals for legislative support of geological exploration production, state policy in the field of subsoil use and submits them to state authorities;
  • develops socially oriented programs and involves state and local authorities, organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership in their implementation;
  • promotes the implementation of new technologies in the processes of search, exploration and production of energy, mineral and water resources in order to optimize them;
  • comprehensively contributes to the development of geological science and practice, the study and use of the subsoil, the increase of mineral and raw materials resources, their protection and reproduction based on the achievements of science and technology, the development of the state geological school;
  • conducts an independent public scientific and technical and economic examination of projects of legislative acts and programs on the development of the mineral and raw material base, use and protection of subsoil, research programs, developments and inventions;
  • promotes the professional consolidation of scientists and specialists working in the field of geology and related fields, increasing the prestige of professions related to geological study and use of subsoil, protection of the geological environment;
  • promotes international cooperation in the field of geology, development of relations with the scientific and engineering public of foreign countries, integration of Ukrainian geologists into the world professional and scientific community, participates in the work of international geological associations, scientific forums and conferences.

In accordance with its activities, SSU organizes and conducts various scientific, educational, social and environmental events, cooperates with state and local authorities, business structures, establishes public contacts with intergovernmental and international organizations.

As a professional institute of civil society, whose activities contribute to the achievement of effective, balanced and tireless use of the entire set of natural resources and protection of the natural environment, the Union initiates and supports new forms of mobilization of efforts of all interested parties: the state, business, science and education, the public. Such forms today are its participation in numerous social and production platforms, which establish effective network communications between all participants in projects on the use of natural resources, and unite consumers and suppliers of services and products for the implementation of such projects.