When you organize an event, one of the major decisions is the selection of the right venue. Once you have an idea what type of event you are organizing, how many attendees to expect and what is the budget, you can start your search for the right venue in VenueDir.
VenueDir helps you with your search for a venue by providing a list of thousands of major venues around the world for large events and small events and for all purposes, including conferences, exhibitions, courses and seminars, weddings, meetings and others.
You can find in VenueDir venues in NYC, venues in London, venues in Atlanta, venues in Los Angeles, venues in Paris, venues in Dubai, venues in Shanghai, and many, many more.
Whether you search for a venue with services such as food and beverages, accomodation, onsite parking, on-site support, audio and video, lighting, digital signage or projection equipment you can find it in VenueDir.
After you find one or more suitable venues, Venuedir provides an option to submit a request for proposal (RFP) to all the venues you have selected.